Champagne with food

Of course we love Champagne as an aperitif !
But we keep on saying it pairs wonderfully with food.

Try some of our suggestion:
Chardonnay will pair with any sea food and fish dishes.
Pinot Noir will pair with roast meats, poultry and game.
Meunier will pair with cooked meat.

Serve champagne from aperitif to the end of your meal!

Champagne glass

The choice of your glass is of great importance.
The shape must have a kind of V shape in order to let the bubbles come from the bottom and burst out at the top.

We prefer fine glass to crystal, because in glass you have micro asperities which help bubbles to work out nicely.

We never clean our glasses in the dishwasher, the rinsing liquid product will kill the bubbles. The bubbles develop the aroma.

The glasses must be washed under the tap with hot water and hand dried with a thin linen towel. Do not store your glasses in boxes, they need to be aired.

How to enjoy your champagne

Champagne must be cooled in an ice bucket (8° to 9° C but not less). If it is too cold it will prevent you from sensing the aromas.

You can lay the bottle in the fridge, but do not keep the bottle in the door compartment: the shake of opening the door is not good for champagne.

Do not fill the glass all the way up, half will be plenty.

Keeping Champagne in an ice bucket will enable you to enjoy the bottle to the very end.


A family-owned company

Champagne et Villages, created by Paul and Francoise Couvreur in 1998 and now run by their daughter Sophie, is a family business dedicated to the promotion of boutique grower champagnes around the world.



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